Tips for Moving Out of a Dorm

The semester is almost over, but you still have to prep for finals and move out of the dorm. How do you tackle packing and still find time to study? These tips, as well as our student storage offerings at Storage King USA in Tallahassee, FL, can help take the work out of moving out.

1. Do a Little Every Day

Minimize move-out efforts by getting a little done between study sessions. Set small goals so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Just 10 minutes three times a day makes a difference.Power Tip: Stay on track by keeping a checklist of packing chores.

2. Sell It or Donate It

Convert school books into cash through online sites, or sell them back to the campus bookstore. Find new homes for other things you don’t want to move by donating belongings to local organizations.

3. Line Up a Van Now

Save multiple trips in the car by renting a van for moving day. Beat the student rush for extra wheels by making arrangements now and leasing a truck sized to fit your moving needs.Power Tip: Rent a truck at a nearby storage facility to help you with the move.

4. Pack as You Empty

On move-out day, work around the room. Pack things as you pull them out of drawers, cabinets, and closets. This strategy keeps similar belongings together for easier unpacking later.

5. Trash-Bag Your Clothes

Protect clothes on hangers with drawstring trash bags. Pull the bags up around dresses, shirts, and jackets, and secure ties around hanger hooks. Now you’re ready to grab and go.Power Tip: Use white trash bags for clothes and black bags for real trash.

6. Turn Bedding Into Padding

Packed bedding adds extra weight and trips to the move. Instead, use spreads and folded sheets to pad the rental van and keep boxes stable.

7. Go With Affordable Student Storage

Why drag everything home? Park your stuff in a climate-controlled storage unit so that it’s all in one convenient pick-up spot for next semester. Our self storage facilities offer student discounts, van rentals, and even online account management.

Let Us Help

We know you’re looking forward to the break. Our teams here at Storage King USA want to help you make the most of it with convenient self storage. In addition to our two Tallahassee, FL locations at 942 and 1501 Capital Circle NW, we also serve students at these facilities:

We’re here for you throughout your move out and across the entire year, so come see us soon.

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