What Should You Do With Estate Sale Leftovers?

a set of chairs and other random items at an estate sale

If you’re left with unsold items after an estate sale, you might be wondering what to do with everything. Maybe you could put them up for sale later or donate them to a charity in Gulfport, MS. You could even give them to a family member as a gift. Either way, you don’t have to find space for them in your own home. Here are a few tips for getting rid of those items without much hassle.

3 Things to Do With Estate Sale Leftovers

Donate Them

There’s always someone who could use clothes, appliances, toys, and other items that you’re selling. If you can’t find a buyer, consider donating the estate items to a charity in your area. You can contact the charity nearest you, and the members will come out and pick up everything without charge. Most charities will also box up the items and place them on the truck without your assistance.

Liquidate Them

If you want to make money on the items, there’s always estate liquidator services available. Though the liquidators will purchase the items, you might not get as much money as you had wanted. This method is only ideal if you didn’t plan to make a lot of money to begin with for those specific items. However, you’ll still be able to make some money and to get the items out of the estate.

Store Them

Maybe you don’t want to sell or to donate the leftover estate items. Perhaps you could use them or would rather see them go to your children or other family members. If you don’t have storage space at home, keep them stored in a storage facility. You’ll save space at home while keeping the items stored out of the way in the meantime.

Self Storage for Estate Sale Items

When you don’t have room at home for unwanted items, Storage King USA has you covered. Use self storage to your advantage by keeping those items in storage units in our nearby Gulfport, MS facility. It’s an affordable way to keep the items safe and secured until you figure out what to do with them later. Contact us and reserve a unit today!

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